Did you know TORALIN ships TORALIN Products to over 100 countries? Take advantage of this major convenience and get whatever you wish, shipped to wherever you want. All orders are shipped from the Netherlands. Payments can be made in Euros (€).
Any customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country. These charges must be paid by the recipient of the parcel. Unfortunately we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country. Please contact your local customs office for further information.
Delivery timescales are working days (Monday - Friday).
Free Shipping on orders 99 and up to all EU Countries
VAT-free for companies / organization s in Europe
If your own business outside the Netherlands, but in Europe we can provide VAT-free delivery. To check your data by the Dutch Tax service we need your VAT number and corporate office address. This data you can fill out when ordering through our website. After completing your order you will automatically receive a confirmation email with an invoice without VAT. The VAT percentage is 21%. VAT will be deducted at checkout!
VAT is not applicable for customers outside the EU.
For payments outside the Netherlands:
Company: TORALIN V.O.F.
City: Arnhem
Land: The Netherlands
IBAN: NL40ABNA0538015675